Jean-Pierre Changeux
Odile Jacob : des livres pour comprendre le présent et imaginer l'avenir, des idées pour aujourd'hui et pour demain.
Bibliography (3)
Pierre Boulez, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Philippe Manoury
Enchanted Neurons The Brain and Music
What happens in the mind of the creator, the composer, when he creates, is still unknown. It is this “mystery” that this book aims to shed light on.
Jean-Pierre Changeux
The Good, the True, and the Beautiful
"this book attempts to show that it is up to us to relentlessly inspire the minds of humans to invent a future that will enable humanity to attain a life of more solidarity, a happier life for and with each one of us [...] J. -P. C.
Jean-Pierre Changeux, Stuart J. Edelstein
The Brain as a Chemical Machine Nicotinic receptors and neuronal communication
This richly illustrated volume furnishes an exceptional opportunity for scientists and students to follow the course of a major advance in our understanding of the molecular basis of brain functions.