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Jean-Pierre Changeux
The Good, the True, and the Beautiful
"this book attempts to show that it is up to us to relentlessly inspire the minds of humans to invent a future that will enable humanity to attain a life of more solidarity, a happier life for and with each one of us [...] J. -P. C.
Christian de Duve
Genetics of Original Sin
“In this book I examine the extraordinary saga of life on Earth in the light of the most recent scientific discoveries. [...]" C. de D.
_ Commission du Livre blanc
The French White Paper on Defence and National Security
Upon being elected President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy appointed a wide-ranging Commission to appraise France’s defence and security strategy.
Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, François Heisbourg
French Strategic and Military Yearbook 2002-2003
The advent of hyperterrorism on "9/11" and subsequent military operations have marked the return of strategic affairs as a core concern of the citizens of our countries.
Denis Le Bihan
Einstein's Error At the Frontiers of the Brain and the Cosmos
At the crossroads of physics and neuroscience: a new approach to brain function based on Einstein's work on relativity and the cosmological constant.
Itzhak Fried, Alain Berthoz, Gretty M. Mirdal
The Brains That Pull the Triggers Syndrome E
History shows us the same grim phenomenon over and over: under extreme circumstances, apparently ordinary citizens turn into merciless torturers and systematic executioners of defenseless victims...
Jean-Pierre Changeux, Stuart J. Edelstein
The Brain as a Chemical Machine Nicotinic receptors and neuronal communication
This richly illustrated volume furnishes an exceptional opportunity for scientists and students to follow the course of a major advance in our understanding of the molecular basis of brain functions.
André Klarsfeld, Frédéric Revah
The Biology of Death
Why are most living creatures condemned to die "naturally" even when they have a favourable and protected environment? Is death a "useful" biological process or does it not correspond to any natural necessity?
André Burguière
The Annales School An Intellectual History
This book provides a broad overview of the Annales School’s academic expansion and examines the importance of its central concept – mentalities – in historiographical research.
Francis Waldvogel
A Life Study Exchanges, emergence, complexity
Is human perception of the vibrant, living world around us the definitive window on objective reality that we imagine it to be?
Jacques de Larosière
50 Years of Financial Crises
“This story essentially tells of the financial crises that the markets always end up inflicting on those who have abused their innovations, their excesses and the lax atmosphere.